Brew Guides - Forge Coffee

AeroPress Brew Recipe

Pop your water on to boil. Assemble the AeroPress by placing a filter paper in the black cap, and screwing into place on the brew chamber. Make sure to use some of your boiling water to rinse the paper.

Weigh out and grind your coffee, aiming for a caster sugar like consistency. Add your ground coffee to the brewer and tap the sides of the chamber to level the coffee bed.

V60 Brew Recipe.

Pop your water on to boil, thoroughly rinse your paper filter and discard the rinsing water.

Weigh out and grind your coffee, aiming for a couscous like consistency, and add to the brewer. Tap the sides of the cone to level out the coffee bed.

Place the brewer on your decanter and the whole ensemble onto your scale. Don’t forget to tare everything off before you start brewing.

Chemex Brew Recipe

Prep and preheat. Place the Chemex Filter in the brewer with single fold away from the spout and multiple folds lined up against the spout. Rinse the filter with hot water to get a nice even seal all the way around. This preheats the brewer and gets rid of any paper flavour from the filter. Dump the rinse water and fold the filter toward the spout to reinforce this area.

French Press (Cafetiere) Brew Recipe

Pop your water on to boil. Make sure to use some to pre-warm and rinse your French Press and decanter.

Weigh out and grind your coffee, aiming for a couscous like consistency, and add to the brewer.

Place the brewer on your scale and tare off.

Your brewing water should be just off the boil, around 95C.

How to steam milk.

Submerge the wand’s tip in the milk and activate full steam pressure.

Immediately but slowly, withdraw the wand until its tip is near the surface and the milk begins to “chirp” or “hiss”. If aeration gets loud and produces large bubbles, you’re probably introducing too much air. Conversely, milk that “screams” with a high-pitched howl isn’t getting enough air.


Water heated between 90 to 96’c is ideall for preparing coffee. For some machines, this is made possible by a”PID controller”. If your machine has once, you can lay within this range to find what you like.

You’ll notice that lower temperatures draw out more brightness, while higher temperatures produce more roasted flavours. If you’re not able to choose the temperature for yourself, you can assume for now that the machine is doing its job.


With our recommended dose and yield, about 25-30 seconds should pass between the beginning of extraction and the moment your glass is full. A shorter time means your coffee is ground to course and longer time means it is ground too fine.


With brewed coffee, we measure coffee input and water input, but when making espresso it’s coffee input and beverage output. Depending on your dose and basket size, aim for about 2 ounces of espresso out, enough to fill a large shot glass. If you’re weighing your shots, a 30-gram yield is a safe place to start