

100% speciality grade Arabica coffee is an investment. We source our green coffee from single farms and estates in the speciality coffee market, with our focus on quality, provenance, sustainability, freshness and fair relationships with the growers.

Guided by our green bean suppliers, experience and our Ikawa sample roaster, we profile our single origin beans to enhance and develop their individual characteristics and flavours.

Each origin has its own unique growing conditions and processes which impart distinct nuances. We skilfully unlock these, creating an ever surprising, invigorating and truly remarkable taste experience.


We develop our signature espresso blends and single origin coffees in line with the growing seasons and the best harvests from each chosen country.

When we find a coffee that we love, we involve our customers in the tasting and evaluation and only when it meets the highest standard, will it be added to our portfolio.

Current Blends

A characterful and rich blend, ‘the crowd pleaser’. In the cup expect to taste notes of Dark Chocolate, Toffee, Vanilla and Black Cherries to finish.

Exceptional as espresso and black, where you can experience the full balanced body. Equally sublime through milk, the sweetness of each beans individual roast flavours linger with every mouthful.

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  • Brazil

    • Region
    • Pocos de Caldas
    • QG
    • 82.75
    • Altitude
    • 1200 masl
    • Variety
    • Catuai, Mundo Novo
  • Honduras

    • Region
    • Copan, Lempira, La Paz
    • QG
    • 82
    • Altitude
    • 1200 - 1850 masl
    • Variety
    • Catimor, Catuai, Paraneima
  • India

    • Region
    • Bhadra River Belt
    • QG
    • -
    • Altitude
    • 900 masl
    • Variety
    • Robusta

A characterful and smooth blend. In the cup, expect to taste notes of, Milk Chocolate, Honey, Candied Orange and a Fudge like finish.

Perfectly at home in flat whites and cortados. Milk promotes the smooth, silky and sweet body. A vibrant juicy mouthfeel as espresso and black, with heaps of body leaving you craving more.

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  • Mantiqueira

    • Region
    • Minas Gerais, Brazil
    • QG
    • 85
    • Altitude
    • 1000 - 1600masl
    • Variety
    • Yellow Bourbon, Yellow Catuai, Red Catucai
    • Flavour
    • Caramel, Cherry, Chocolate
    • Body
    • Syrupy
    • Acidity
    • Low
  • Colombia

    • Region
    • Bolivar
    • QG
    • 84
    • Altitude
    • 1450 - 2300 masl
    • Variety
    • Castillo, Catimor, Caturra
  • Guatemala

    • Region
    • Huehuetenango
    • QG
    • 83
    • Altitude
    • 1400 - 1700 masl
    • Variety
    • Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra

Sweet aromatics, laced with fruits and floral elements. Hot water builds on the fruitiness. Balanced with silky body and well balanced citric acid.

Nice marriage of flavours, which change places more than once into a sweet finish.

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  • Ethiopia

    • Region
    • Bench Sheko
    • QG
    • 85.5
    • Altitude
    • 1500 - 2200 masl
    • Variety
    • Heirloom
  • Guatemala

    • Region
    • Huehuetenango
    • QG
    • 83
    • Altitude
    • 1400 to 1700 masl
    • Variety
    • Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra
  • Honduras

    • Region
    • Copan, Lempira, La Paz
    • QG
    • 82
    • Altitude
    • 1200 - 1850 masl
    • Variety
    • Catimor, Catuai, Paraneima

Our signature decaffeinated blend of from throughout Brazil. Trinity provides the decaf drinker with a great tasting coffee, roasted with the same care as our caffeinated blends. With a velvety smooth body and notes of rich Chocolate; Trinity has an impressive sweetness and gentle acidity. The beans have been through a MC (Methylene Chloride) process to remove the caffeine.

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Current single origin coffees

One of seven farms in the Matagalpa and Jinotega region, Santa Maria forms part of the Grupo Las Nubes. It’s location within La Reserva El Arenal means that coffee plants at santa maria grow in the shade of the forest. The Robelo family lost the farm during a conflict during which they were forced off their land. Victor Robelo, a third generation coffee farmer, regained ownership of his father’s coffee farm back in 2011. Under his ownership Santa Maria has more than doubled in size to thirty-five hectares since 2017. The farm has since produced coffee that won the ACE Cup of Excellence award in 2017.

All coffee produced on Santa Maria are washed and fermented at the farm before being sent to the Las Nubes dry mill. This ensures quality and uniformity between all members of the group. This particular coffee is then dried for 10 days on shaded raised beds.
The ripe cherries are handpicked on the farm, before being pulped washed and fermented. Once dried, it is rested in bags before cleaning, milling, and grading.

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  • Santa Maria

    • Region
    • Aranjuez
    • QG
    • 84.75
    • Altitude
    • 1380 - 1500 masl
    • Variety
    • Red Catuai, Yellow Catuai, Caturra
    • Flavour
    • Caramel, Peach, Pear, Toffee
  • Cupping Notes

    Caramel, Peach, Pear, Toffee

Formed in 2022, Tuzamurane is a relatively new cooperative. Josie, the head of the co-operative, is also the land owner for the 35 women that form the cooperative. They have been growing coffee for around 13 years. The women have been wanting to work with Kinini for agronomist support and washing station services as their reputation in the area has grown. In Rwanda, there are laws regarding which washing station you can deliver to. Kinini had to apply for a special license in able provide this service, and Tuzamurane are the first outside of the traditional catchment area in the Northern Sector to be able to work with Kinini in this way. Fittingly, Tuzamurane is a Kinyarwanda word that translates roughly as ‘lift one another up’ or ‘support each other’.

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  • Tuzamurane

    • Region
    • Mageragere
    • QG
    • 84.5
    • Altitude
    • 1800 - 1950 masl
    • Variety
    • Bourbon
    • Flavour
    • Blackcurrant, Fudge, Citrus, Dried Plus

Mr Estanislao Ureña Mora was responsible for introducing coffee to the area, and gave seeds to his brother Jose Ureña Mora. Between the two, they sowed a plantation of two hectares and produced their coffee without the use of agrochemicals. Then came Ramon Blanco who built a wet mill in San Pablo de Leon Cortes, and producers began taking their coffee there. In 1929 a wet mill was built in Santa Maria, but as there was so much uncertainty in prices, producers turned to the Banco Nacional (National Bank), which had a department where farmers were given recommendations on how to process their own coffee. Thus was born Coopedota R.L.

The varietals grown are mainly Caturra and Catuai, but some farmers are experimenting with Obata, the cross between Timor Hybrid and Villa Sarchi brought to Costa Rica from Brazil by ICAFE in 2014. This has been part of the mix since 2019. Coffee from here is picked by hand and pulped mechanically, leaving it clean and ready for the fermentation stage and drying on patios. For the honey process, 70% of the mucilage is left on the bean before following a similar path – the cherry being agitated just enough to ensure even drying without any over fermentation.

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  • San Francisco (Community Lot)

    • Region
    • Tarrazu
    • QG
    • 84.25
    • Altitude
    • 1700 - 1950masl
    • Variety
    • Catuai, Caturra
    • Flavour
    • Blueberry, Vanilla, Caramel, Floral