
Training & brewing techniques.

Exquisitely crafted coffee and specialist machines are only around 50% of what makes you stand out from the crowd.

Learning how to extract the perfect espresso, produce consistent microfoamed milk and brew outstanding filter coffee, takes knowledge, skill and passion. You can be confident that you will receive the best training from our passionate and experienced team at the forge.

When becoming a wholesale customer, training is part of our commitment.

We invite you to join us in the forge brew lab & roastery for a tailored training experience.

Amongst the many topics we teach, are the correct process required to make the foundation of espresso based drinks, alternative brewing methods how to steam milk to perfection and correctly construct the drinks on your menu.

Daily cleaning and maintenance of your coffee machine is an essential and critical part of our training.

The basics of brewing coffee.

Brewing coffee at home or at work, can be as simple or complicated as you choose to make it. Whether it’s a business, a hobby or a habit, an interest or an indulgence, there are a few things to remember that will make all the difference to the coffee you brew.


However your machine receives its water, make sure it’s cold, filtered and neither too hard or too soft.

Water treatment is an important first step:

Hard water will accumulate serious scale and unfiltered water will taste lame.

Quality ingredients

No matter how new, shiny, fancy or expensive your coffee brewer is, the quality of your coffee (and your water) is always the most important factor in the cup.

An amazingly elaborate and precise brewer simply won’t make any pre-ground, stale, cheap, past-crop, or other inferior  coffee taste any better.

Make the extra effort

Grinding fresh, using scales and sticking to a simple recipe does make a difference. We don’t say it to be difficult or unduly particular. Pre-ground coffee goes stale very quickly.

Guessing the amount of coffee or water is both inaccurate and inconsistent. You will get better and more consistent results using a grinder and scales.

Be passionate

Coffee is meant to be enjoyed. Once brewed, let it cool slightly and drink it heartily. Drink lots of different coffees. Make notes about what you like.

Don’t apologise for your palate or preferences. Take it seriously enough to have fun and brew well, coffee is exciting.